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Robert J. Kueppers


Sarasota, FL

“While I’ve spent the lion’s share of my career as an accountant and auditor, I have developed deep experience in management. My expertise in finance and business has been increasingly directed to the critical issues of governance and strategy development. I have joined forces with my Sage Partners in recognition of the fact that too many companies have focused on reducing risk (protecting value) at the expense of prudent risk-taking to create value by growing. Together we intend to reshape the risk-growth balance and in so doing to help our clients generate the higher levels of performance they and our economies need and deserve.”

Bob Kueppers spent virtually his entire career with Deloitte LLP, and as a partner from 1986 through May 2015. Kueppers background is in the firm’s audit practice, although many of his responsibilities covered the entire firm including consulting and tax in addition to audit. Kueppers served Deloitte as Deputy CEO, Vice Chairman and Managing Partner of the Center for Corporate Governance prior to his retirement.

Bob’s significant clients included The Dow Chemical Company, General Motors Company, The Boeing Company and Best Buy Inc. His 39 years of experience include two breaks in service from Deloitte: in the 1980’s Mr. Kueppers served as a Professional Accounting Fellow in the Office of the Chief Accountant at the SEC in Washington, D.C. From 1992 to 1996 Mr. Kueppers was the Chief Financial Officer of Plaid Clothing Group, Inc., a manufacturer and wholesaler of menswear headquartered in New York. Plaid was owned by private equity with public debt. Mr. Kueppers built a corporate office and managed relationships with banks, investors, suppliers and the trade.

Mr. Kueppers has extensive experience with audit committees and boards of many corporations. As Managing Partner of Deloitte’s Center for Corporate Governance, Mr. Kueppers has been at the forefront of emerging corporate governance issues and a frequent speaker and writer on changes in the governance landscape. In 2009, 2012, 2013, and 2014 Mr. Kueppers was recognized by the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) Directorship magazine as one of the top 100 influential professionals in corporate governance and in the boardroom.

Mr. Kueppers has significant regulatory experience in Washington DC having led or overseen Regulatory activities, Government Affairs, and Public Policy for Deloitte. Kueppers graduated with distinction from the University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management in 1976, with a Bachelor of Science in Business & Accounting.


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